Ruby's Cafe is open for Takeaway!
All menu items can be ordered to go.

Ruby’s Cafe serves breakfast classics and brunch favourites with a beachside twist in the heart of Bulli.

We use fresh, locally sourced produce and Macchina Espresso coffee beans. What’s not to love about that!

Open from 7am Monday - Sunday.

Fresh and Locally Sourced Produce

Ruby's Cafe is a proud supporter of our local beach community, which means we source all of our ingredients locally where possible.

Sourcing local ingredients supports local suppliers and provides fresher, more delicious food to our customers. Come in and try it for yourself!

Fresh Locally Sourced Produce
Bulli Beach and Coffee

Location and Opening Hours

Weekdays from 8am - 2:00pm

Weekends from 8am - 3:00pm

Ruby's Cafe
1 Farrell Rd,
Bulli NSW 2516 (Click map for directions)
(02) 4284 6890

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